And now I'm pretty happy to present my second cbj-series called "Laden der Träume" (engl.: "Shop of dreams"), written by Dirk Ahner. The first two books of this thrilling time-travel-adventure-series for kids 8+ have just been released: "Das Gold der Piraten" and "Das Rätsel des Pharao" ("The Pirate's Gold" and "The Secret of the Pharao").
Und jetzt feu ich mich, meine zweite cbj-Reihe "Laden der Träume" von Dirk Ahner präsentieren zu können. Die ersten beiden Teile dieser spannenden Zeitreise-Abenteuer-Serie für Kinder ab 8 sind gerade erschienen: "Das Gold der Piraten" und "Das Rätsel des Pharao".

From the cbj-preview:
When Ben, Lara and Nepomuk accidentally enter the old and winding store of the magician Filomenus, they don't sense the marvelousness that awaits them! In a magical chrystal glass Filomenus collects dreams of all kind. When Nepomuk upsets the glass by accident, the dreams escape in all directions. It's a matter of honour that Ben, Lara and Nepomuk help to recover them again. But ever dream leads into a new and dangerous adventure!
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