Monday, June 28, 2010

They're coming home, they're coming home...

...but the football stays in South Africa and so does the German team :D 3 Lions on the ground... :P

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

deutschLANDRATTE 2010

In three days 2010 FIFA World Cup begins and so I chose to order an self made fan-shirt with my Euro Cup '08 Schland!-Ratte on the front!

I got the shirt several days later but was so kind to inform me that the word "Schland" was registered as a word mark by Raab TV-Produktion GmbH. (How can you trademark one and a half syllables of a country's name? Well, Stefan Raab can do everything! (that's why I still want him as our german national team coach - and I want to see a Schlag den Raab versus Chuck Norris!!))
So I had to make an modified version of the original shirt to put it up for sale in MY SHOP. It says deutschLANDRATTE now and you better not ask me to draw you a holLANDRATTE... ;)

So I'll keep my fingers crossed for Germany and wir werden Weltmeister sein! SCHLAND!!